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How to Stop Junk Mail For Businesses

Unfortunately, the Direct Marketing Association’s Mail Preference Service does not work for businesses. The two largest business-to-business direct marketers are:

Dun and Bradstreet
One Diamond Hill Road
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-1218
(800) 333-0505

Attention - Business Update Department
P.O. Box 27347
Omaha NE 68127
(402) 331-0176

1. Cut credit card overload. Credit bureaus may sell your name, address & credit history to potential lenders. Calling the following number will remove yourself from the lists of Trans Union, Equifax, Experience, and Anovis. (888)5OPT-OUT (567-8688)

2. Exclude your name from new lists. Whenever you donate money, order a new product or service, send in a warranty card or change of address card, always include a note that says, Please DO NOT LEND, SELL or TRADE my name to any other organization for its mailing lists. According to experts, “filling out warranty cards puts you in fast lane of the junk information superhighway.” In general, be careful about who you give your address away to.

3. Write “Reject — Return to Sender” on the envelope and the Post Office will mail it back to the return address. However, this only works for certain types of mail: letters sent First-Class, letters sent First-Class Pre-Sort, letters marked "Return Service Requested," letters marked "Change Service Requested," or periodicals marked "Postmaster Send Change of Address to". Also, these letters must not be opened.

4. Through the Post Office, issue an “Prohibitory order against sender of pandering advertisement in the mails.” It’s on Form 2150 and 1500, which can be obtained from some, but not all, Post Offices. It is free, and once lodged with the Post Office, it will be illegal for the company to send you any more junk mail. It stems from a law barring pornographic junk mail. Interestingly, it is your sole opinion to decide what is pornographic, as upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, so your calling unwanted mail pornographic and filing the form should keep the company from sending you further junk mail.

5. Private Citizen, Inc. is a consumer organization that actively fights direct marketers and telemarketers for its members. Fees to join are $10 to fight junk mail, and $20 for telemarketing. It claims a very high reduction in junk mail and telemarketing calls.
Private Citizen Inc.
P.O. Box 233
Naperville, IL 60566
(800) CUT-JUNK

posted by Clint at 3:34 PM

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